a little learning is a dangerous thing ...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back in Leeds... and it's snowing!

Yay, 2008!

I think the year 2008 deserves a cheer all around, because I can tell it’s going to be a great 365 days. This year, in the Smith family alone we have a graduation, a wedding, an epic European backpacking trip, and the continuation of my year in Leeds. The only bad thing, I guess, is that people now have to pay for their furniture. No more putting off your payments, people… the long-dreaded “Don’t Pay Til 2008” ads are gonna come getcha!

Speaking of Leeds, I just arrived back here this afternoon from Toronto after what has felt like the longest trip of my life. The flight flew by (ha!) quickly enough, but the ensuing 45 minute slog on the London Tube and then the exorbitantly expensive train ride from King’s Cross to Leeds has left me craving my wee, humble cot at Bod. It feels quite surreal to be back so soon-- it’s been a month since we left, but the time went by like nobody’s business.

There have been many surreal moments lately: standing on a bridge in Florence, watching the sun peek out from a foggy morning; turning a corner in the Accademia and suddenly encountering Michaelangelo’s David; taking a water bus to Murano Island in Venice; careening around the side of a mountain on the Cote d’Azur; watching the Eiffel Tower light up and sparkle on an absolutely freezing holiday night; and finally, coming home and seeing my family and friends for the first time in four months.

It’s like Dad says-- the best thing and the worst thing about home is that it never changes. Although at this point, to me it feels like the best thing.

Oh, and here are the links to my pictures from our backpacking adventure through Italy and France! (Blogspot's being temperamental about posting pictures again...):

Ooooh, Rome ...
Mmmm, Florence ...
Ahhh, Venice ...
Whooaaaa, Nice & Monaco ...
Brrrr, Toulouse & Paris ....

We had a fantastic time, and in addition to learning a ton of interesting things about the cities we visited, we discovered many essential things about one another: like, for instance, Johanna is really good at navigating but hates maps; Marcie can’t stand the smell of oranges; and Francesca loves bridges, birds sitting on top of things (ie. lampposts) and Christmas lights draped over tiny Italian streets. As for me, I found out I actually have a limit to how many baguettes I can eat in a week. Hint: It’s surprisingly small.

I apologize for the month-long hiatus on the blog, too! I’m pledging to keep up with it a tad more, now that the distracting (in a good way) holiday season is over. I hope there will be a lot more travel in my 2008 as well and some more great times ahead.

Happy New Year’s, everyone! Have a safe and lovely 2008 :). Talk to you soon!

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