a little learning is a dangerous thing ...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


All right, so it wasn't as bad as my title suggests. But I was still quite scared last night when Leeds felt a tremor as a result of the 5.3 earthquake in Lincolnshire. People felt it as far away as Northern Ireland! Wow. The tremor lasted about 3 seconds...I was awake at the time but it was still such an odd feeling. For a split second I thought it was the ridiculous wind we'd had all day (we're talking skinny-girls-getting-blown-away-by-the-wind wind) but realized what it must have been. We don't get them at home, do we? I honestly don't know.

Immediately following the mini-quake, there was a raucous discussion with half our floormates in the hallway about what had just transpired, punctuated by yelling and furious texting to friends and family. The consensus was that we were somehow safest on the top floor and to just go back to bed. I was very worriedly asking Emily (who's from Shropshire, nearby) if there would be more tremors, as I'd had no previous experience with them, at all. She reassured me that they get them every 5 years or so, and never too strongly.

Who knew England got earthquakes? It's not one of the things you consider when going on exchange, I guess. And apparently this one is the biggest in 30 years. Well, England-- I consider it an honour to have participated.

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