It actually rained today.
We've been basking in the sun for the past two weeks here in Northern England, but today we got a taste of what the British students insist is the normal weather--gray drizzle. I hope it doesn't last and we get our perfect autumn weather back.
But seriously, I can't believe I'm talking about the weather when so much has been going on!
Freshers Week has snowballed into a week-long party, as the freshers who got here on Sunday have jumped into the Intro festivities with unfettered enthusiasm. Their dedication is quite admirable, really; most of the kids who get home at 5 am have to be in course meetings the next morning. Johanna and I, feeling rather ancient at the ripe old age of 20, have managed to attend both the official Intro Party on Monday night, which featured the Vengaboys* (who attracted almost a thousand curious spectators to their 1 am set) and the School Disco last night (to which everyone comes dressed in high school uniforms!). At the disco, we met up with Johanna's "English friend" Vicky, as we call her, and Vicky's friends. Vicky went to McGill on exchange last year and has been an invaluable source of information and support for us here at Leeds, whether it's how to take navigate buses, score tickets to events, or find cheap food and shopping :). The disco was amazing too.. so much fun.
*N.B. For all of you who DON'T know who the Vengaboys are--and come on, who doesn't?--they're a European dance pop group who were big when I was in about Gr. 6. No one here had any idea they still performed; watching the four members jump around on stage felt vaguely like watching a fitness video from 1999.
Whooo disco! Johanna and I in our schoolgirl finest...
Another great thing has been visiting the Bod Bar here at the residence- it's cool to see a safe, cheap place for students to go drink that's close to their rooms, rather than encouraging them to go all the way downtown. I finally got my bus pass, too, which is incredibly exciting!! It's now my most treasured possession, after my Let's Go. Ah, my Let's Go...there it is now, sitting so confidently on my almost-empty bookshelf. The only other occupant is a copy of Machiavelli's The Prince, which I have to read for Monday. Welcome to 3rd year seminars, I guess!
Leeds Uni's societies have also started out in full force. I joined the BandSoc today, which gets me in on new bands, shows, and gigs happening around the uni and the city. We might also join in on swing dancing, hiphop classes, kickboxing training, stage-managing workshops, short film screenings, soccer intramurals, and squash lessons. I'm going to try my best to do all of these, AND still travel during my time off. I had thought that perhaps I could skip a couple classes here and there if it meant I could travel a bit more extensively; however, the profs at our intro School of English meeting squashed that dream with one clear warning-- thou shalt not miss thy seminars, on penalty of having to explain yourself to the head of the school. These Brits take their academics quite seriously, methinks.
Everything's coming together, thankfully. Now I have a room, a cell phone, a bank account, a clash-free timetable, and 2 square meals a day! Everything a student needs...
Here's a pictures of my room, in case you haven't received the 3d tour via webcam, and one of the outside of the venerable Clapham House, my hall of residence:

Up next-- classes start on Monday! I can finally start what I came here to do... you know, other than attend things like School Discos and visit places like the Library Pub. Right, Mom and Dad? Talk to you all soon!
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